Office: 215.962.3744
Office: 215.962.3744
Neshaminy Creek Advisors > Our Services > Nonprofits & Fire Companies



Investment Policy Statement

Spending Policy

Contribution Policy


Provide Discretionary Investment Management

No Investment Miniumum

1.00% on First $1,000,000

75% above $1,000,000


Nonprofits & Fire Companies

Over the years as a Board Member and casual observer, Patrick has witnessed the dedication and empowerment that non-profits provide to their employees, members, and recipients of their services.

Likewise, First Responder Organizations such as Rescue/Ambulance Squads and Fire Companies and their affiliated Relief Associations show incredible dedication to their community.  While not a First Responder himself, Patrick has witnessed first hand through family and friends the dedication of volunteer Fire Fighters and EMTs.

There is great joy in being a servant to the community and receiving the gratitude from the   community in having their meets met.  But are the financial needs of the non-profit being met.  Serving the community requires funds and what happens to the funds once they are received?  Are they being managed with a purpose?  Do they have fiduciary policies in place and implemented to protect the organization and board members should something go wrong?  Do these policies dictate how the funds are invested according to the goals and needs of the organization?

Neshaminy Creek Advisors provides a bundled package to address this for non-profits and First Responder organizations.

Neshaminy Creek Advisors will review an organization’s fiduciary polices and make recommendations for changes or create whole new policies.  These policies then help dictate how dedicated funds (long or short-term reserves, board-restricted funds, endowment, quasi-endowment funds, etc.) will be invested.

In addition to this package, Neshaminy Creek Advisors is always available to lend a hand with its resources and networks to assist in the community in any way possible.

A sample of our organizational clients include: Fire Companies, Fire Company Relief Associations, Senior Centers, Rescue Squads, Scholarship Funds, Educational Foundations, etc.